Alive and Wellness Check
Need us to check on someone for any reason? Let us help today!
"We turn our knowledge into your power so the truth cannot hide."
Global Investigative Solutions can conduct an on-site visit with the subject of the investigation to determine the subject's continued eligibility status. Our field investigator can call the subject ahead of time in order to schedule a convenient time for the subject to meet or we can make an impromptu visit if the client requires.
During our alive and well check investigation, we will confirm the subject's identity; verify the SSN, DOB, current address and their telephone number. We will determine the subject's benefit check status, their current medical provider and what medications they are currently taking as well as any other possbile sources of income. We also inquire as to the subject's day to day activities, how their property and residence are being maintained, and we determine their next of kin contact information. A photo of the subject will be obtained and included in a comprehensive report that will be provided for the client. We can also accommodate any specific questionnaire forms that the client may require.